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Virginia Vásquez, Dr.


Author and coauthor of dozens of books, including Monumentos y Sitios de Chile (Monuments and Sites in Chile) (Santiago, 1999); Patrimonio Local. Ensayos sobre arte, arquitectura y lugar (Local Heritage. Essay on Art, Architecture and Place) (Valparaíso, 2004); Nuevas Miradas Sobre la Autenticidad e Integridad en al Patrimonio Mundial de las Américas (New Visions on Authenticity and Integrity of World Heritage in the Americas) (Mexico F.D., 2005); Aprendiendo de Latinoamérica. El museo como protagonista (Learning from Latin America, the Musuem in the Leading Role) (Vigo, 2006); Arte e Política. Situaçoes (Sao Paulo, 2010); Revisión/Remisión de la historiografía de las artes visuales chilenas contemporáneas (Revision/Remission of the Historiography of Contemporaneous Chilean Visual Arts) (Santiago, 2011); and Post Patrimonio (Post Heritage) (Viña del Mar, 2012). He has been a visiting professor at the University of Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires), the National University of Colombia (Bogotá) and the University of Concepción (Chile). He is a member of the editorial board of the following journals: Hereditas (INAH, Mexico), Revista de Arte (Art School at the PUC, Chile), Revista Quiroga (University of Granada, Spain) and Revista Conserva (CNCR, Chile). As a consultant in heritage-related topics, he has taken part in land planning projects; historical research; conservation assessment and training funded by national and foreign institutions. He is an Associate of the International Scientific Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Restoration at ICOMOS and Chairman of the Chilean Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites, ICOMOS.

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How to Cite
Vásquez, V. (2017). THE LAST FRONTIER. AUS [Arquitectura / Urbanismo / Sustentabilidad], (12), 34–37.
Author Biography

Virginia Vásquez, Dr.

Académica Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile.