Integration of students with special educational needs: ¿Does coherence exist between the discourses and pedagogic practices exercised by primary teachers?

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Andrea Vega Godoy


This article presents the results of a research realized by a study of cases, which purpose consisted in demonstrate, by means of the analysis of the discourses, the symbolic representations that the Primary teachers have about the students integration with educational special needs. The methods to get a summary of the information were: the participant observation, interviews in depth and questionnaire. The results demonstrate that the studied teachers present an incoherent educational integration discourse respect to their pedagogic practice, which could be affecting in the prejudices generation and stereotypes deeply internalized by teachers of the study, those who, on not having been recognized like such, reverberate directly with the educational occupation in relation to students with special educational needs.


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How to Cite
Vega Godoy, A. (2018). Integration of students with special educational needs: ¿Does coherence exist between the discourses and pedagogic practices exercised by primary teachers?. Pedagogical Studies, 35(2), 189–202.