At south of the south: Reflections for an education without sexism

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Carolina Schick Carrillo
Daniela Zúñiga Maldonado
Paula Aguilar Peña
Alejandra Sabogal Rengifo
Natalia Cortés Gallardo


This article presents ideas that collaborate with reflective processes that Chilean society is facing from the recent feminist autumn that brought about educational demands of a non-sexist nature, in relation to political-epistemic perspectives located south of the south. This proposal, originated in a circle of women students and researchers in education, offers a first analysis that relates the critical effects of the patriarchal system with its current neoliberal political-economic boom at all educational levels; as well as the subjectification of sexist differences through the use of language and the consequent need to think about a new educational system contextualized to our territory from the socio-community organization and participation. This offers a first approach towards the consolidation of proposals to move to a new feminist educational system for Latin America.

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How to Cite
Schick Carrillo, C., Zúñiga Maldonado, D., Aguilar Peña, P., Sabogal Rengifo, A., & Cortés Gallardo, N. (2019). At south of the south: Reflections for an education without sexism. Pedagogical Studies, 45(1), 169–187.