Evaluation of four populations of Heterodera trifolii Goffart in forage legumes

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Marcela Yáñez V.
Laura Böhm S.
Susana González M.


Four Heterodera trifolii populations isolated from white clover of pastures from different places of the south of Chile were inoculaled in one month oldplants of the following species: Trifolium repens L. cv Huia and cv Kopu, Trifolium pratense L. cv Quiñequeli, Trifolium subterraneum L. cv Clare and cv Mount Baker, Medicago sativa L. cv Pionner 555 and cv WL 320 Lotus uliginosus Schkuhr, Lotus corniculatus L. and Trifolium incarnatum L. Atfer four months of the inoculation, the plants were evaluated for dry shoot weight, dry root weight, number of cyst formed per pots and eggs and juvenils contained in cysts. In overall, the results of this research showed no significant effects of the nematode in the vegetative and root development of the plants and no significant differences were presented between the different populations of H. trifolii for trie parameters evaluated. The total number of cysts, eggs and juvenile did not show significant differences between the different populations inoculated on the same species and cultivar. However when the data were analysed for the same nematode population on the different species and cultivars, significant differences were recorded being the best hosts for H. trifoliiT. repens cv Huia and cv Kopu followed by T. subterraneum cv Clare.

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How to Cite
Yáñez V., M., Böhm S., L., & González M., S. (1999). Evaluation of four populations of Heterodera trifolii Goffart in forage legumes. Agro Sur, 27(1), 105–112. https://doi.org/10.4206/agrosur.1999.v27n1-11

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