Agaricales commonly collected in Campus Isla Teja, Universidad Austral de Chile

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Eduardo Valenzuela
Carlos Ramírez
Gabriel Moreno
Mireille Polette
Sigisfredo Garnica
Hernán Peredo
Janis Grinbergs


31 Agaricales s. 1. collected in Campus Isla Teja of the Universidad Austral de Chile are recorded, drawing of their most important characters are showed and same ecological aspects are mentioned.

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How to Cite
Valenzuela, E., Ramírez, C., Moreno, G., Polette, M., Garnica, S., Peredo, H., & Grinbergs, J. (1996). Agaricales commonly collected in Campus Isla Teja, Universidad Austral de Chile. BOSQUE, 17(1), 51–63.

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