Co-teaching practices: the case of a teachers’ duo in the School Integration Program in Chile

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Carolina Urbina Hurtado
Pablo Basualto Rojas
Camila Durán Castro
Pablo Miranda Orrego


In the context of inclusive education, this research analyzed a couple’s co-teaching practices carried out by a differential educator and a regular teacher, within the School Integration Program of a municipal school of the V region, Chile. The research conducted corresponds to a case study, based on documentation review (work developed by the couple), observation in the classroom and reflective interviews about their practice. The research has been done using content analysis through the constant comparative method. Seven categories have been identified, which were organized in three dimensions of analysis: practice, politic and culture, which facilitate understanding of this co-teaching experience. Results allow the identification of a “support mode” as the main approach of the practices developed by the couple and deduce, within the inclusive perspective, possibilities and barriers to develop the collaborative work in the schools.

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How to Cite
Urbina Hurtado, C., Basualto Rojas, P., Durán Castro, C., & Miranda Orrego, P. (2017). Co-teaching practices: the case of a teachers’ duo in the School Integration Program in Chile. Pedagogical Studies, 43(2), 355–374.