The social representations of classification of schools present in the discourse of print media

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Ruby Olivares-Donoso


August 11th, 2011, the Law of Education Quality Assurance (Law Nº 20.529) was enacted, which, among other things, created the Agency for Education Quality Assurance, one of whose functions is to sort schools according to learning results and other indicators of educational quality. This function has generated intense debate, both for and against the proposal, through the print media. The aim of this study is to know the social representations of the classification of schools present in the discourse of different actors in the education system, for which 24
documents were analyzed using the methodology of Grounded Theory. The results indicate that the actors of the educational system have distinct social representations about the classification of schools depending on the position, for or against, taken in regard to this issue.

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How to Cite
Olivares-Donoso, R. (2018). The social representations of classification of schools present in the discourse of print media. Pedagogical Studies, 41(2), 195–211.