Types of interactive dynamics in the implementation of non-written formative assessment

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Joelle Morrissette


This research documents the ways in which formative assessment is informally carried out through interactions between teacher and students during classroom activities. Especially, it analyzed the interactive dynamics involved in its implementation. In order to do so, video sequences of teachers were produced in 10 elementary school classrooms with individual interviews aiming to explicit practices. The results demonstrated the presence of different types of interaction, including confrontation, adjustment, dealing, seduction, and humor. Data collected allow us to see that assessment is a privileged time for negotiating the pedagogical contract within the classroom.

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How to Cite
Morrissette, J. (2018). Types of interactive dynamics in the implementation of non-written formative assessment. Pedagogical Studies, 41(2), 373–388. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052015000200022