Word Processors and Writing Children: A Case Study

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Andrés Chiappe
Ana Ruby González


This article presents the results of a qualitative research carried out in order to identify changes in the way a group of second grade students of elementary school produced texts in the context of using the word processor as a complementary tool for writing. To address the production of texts of these students four categories of analysis were considered: Silhouette of writing, Punctuation Signs, Connectors, and Sentence Linguistics applied to written communication. The results of the study helped to identify the relevance of the use of the word processor as a complementary tool to hand writing, to develop skills for the production of written texts at an early ages.

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How to Cite
Chiappe, A., & González, A. R. (2018). Word Processors and Writing Children: A Case Study. Pedagogical Studies, 40(2), 101–115. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052014000300006