Critical Discourse Analysis of Competency-based Curriculum in Initial Teacher Training in Chile

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Olga Espinoza Aros


In the context of neoliberal globalization, higher education has been affected by many complex processes. In this context, the Competency-based Curriculum has emerged as a predominant response to current educational challenges. In Chile, initial teacher training programs in universities have been affected by such changes and demands. This paper presents an analysis whose objective is to problematize the conditions of production of discourse of competencies in teacher training programs in universities. To fulfill this purpose, it is presented an analysis of interviews to academics who participated in curriculum committees, and who also developed teacher training competency-based curricula. In this paper curriculum is understood as a discursive practice and a Foucauldian critical discourse analysis is used.

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How to Cite
Espinoza Aros, O. (2018). Critical Discourse Analysis of Competency-based Curriculum in Initial Teacher Training in Chile. Pedagogical Studies, 40(2), 147–159.