Results, Learning, and Perspectives of the PEPE Platform as a Contribution to School Education

Main Article Content

Roberto Canales R.
Martín Quintana E.
Cristina Alarcón S.
Andrea Hain C.
Macarena Gárnica A.


Presented here is a summarized and critical report which discusses the process and results of the Project "Rompiendo la brecha digital para un uso significativo de las TIC en establecimientos educacionales: Plataforma de Entornos Pedagógicos Especializados" (PEPE). The Project was executed between 2009 and 2011, primarily in Los Lagos region, Chile. With the empiric results that evidence improvements in the levels of students' performance, in language and mathematics, the focus is mobilized from a platform centered on contents, to the process of collaboration in a community of learning. On the whole, the epistemic transition is given by the advancement from the individual to the collective. This transition cannot be understood except as a sign of contemporary in a society that interrogates itself about education in times of crisis.


Article Details

How to Cite
Canales R., R., Quintana E., M., Alarcón S., C., Hain C., A., & Gárnica A., M. (2018). Results, Learning, and Perspectives of the PEPE Platform as a Contribution to School Education. Pedagogical Studies, 39(Especial), 25–40.
Author Biography

Andrea Hain C.

Investigadora independiente.