The educational reform and the university students selection system: its impact and challenges

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Sebastián Donoso D.


The article analyzes the short term future of the current university system for the admission of undergraduate students, in the light of the impacts and changes which should emerge in the Chilean educational system as a result of the current educational reform. As known that the first national admission system generated in Chile from 1930 onwards (‘bachillerato’) was modified as an outcome of the formal educational system the transformations and the requirements of a better predictive capacity of the applicants’ entrance background. 
The current admission system, implemented in 1967, has often been modified within the same theoretical framework. The article discusses uncertain topics in relation to the new conditions required by the students and the scientific, professional level in the country and its impact on the admission processes. The possibility that the framework can be modified in order to fulfil the new requirements, or substituted for a new admission system is examined.

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How to Cite
Donoso D., S. (2018). The educational reform and the university students selection system: its impact and challenges. Pedagogical Studies, (24), 7–30.