Holistic education through art: an urgen and current task

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Víctor Valembois


The paper starts with two observations: having in mind the ultimate globalization, it is necessary not to forget that, in strict reference to educational tendencies, this is not a unique concept referring to perspectives of totality. 
Net an application is considered, taking the recent American novel The goal written by Eliyahu Goldratt. Science an Arts, which originated in different hemisferic parts, are brought together in this novel in a surprisingly new educational perspective. The conclusion is the need of an internal globalization that, curiously remembers the precepts of Dr. Decroly. The paper ends with considerations on the still valid and helpful role of arts as a vehicle of holistic education.

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How to Cite
Valembois, V. (2018). Holistic education through art: an urgen and current task. Pedagogical Studies, (24), 89–97. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07051998000100007