Ethnic discrimination of the mapuche school experience in Panguipulli (Chile)

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María Pía Poblete S.


This article is aimed at describing the meaning and perception of the school experience in an interethnic context. We present qualitative data collected through in depth interviews of a group of 30 mapuche people from Panguipulli. The main results show the way school experience was one of ethnic discrimination for most of the interviewees. The experience of discrimination is related to interaction with teachers and other students, school norms and contents taught in the classroom. Informants also describe their perception of discrimination as a result of the unequal access to education.

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How to Cite
Poblete S., M. P. (2018). Ethnic discrimination of the mapuche school experience in Panguipulli (Chile). Pedagogical Studies, (29), 55–64.
Author Biography

María Pía Poblete S., Instituto de Ciencias Sociales, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.
