Approaches to the conceptions on development, knowledge and boarded education in the governmental speech

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Paulina Larrosa


This study investigates the conceptions of development, knowledge and education, that the Government of C projects spins, in the document “Towards a National Strategy of Innovation for the Development” created by the national advice for the competitiveness, between years 2006 and 2008, being contemplated in this analysis the executive summaries of volumes I and II. One looks for from critical and complex a perspective to approach dynamic which they emerge and they sublie in the these conceptions, being explored contributions that the critical analysis of the speech can contribute in the understanding of the prevailing ideologies in the model of effective social development in our country. We will maintain that the conceptions of development, education and knowledge, have been incorporated in the speech, therefore they have a latent ideological dominion, that risks the homogenización and unidimensionality of the strategies of social development of the country.


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How to Cite
Larrosa, P. (2018). Approaches to the conceptions on development, knowledge and boarded education in the governmental speech. Pedagogical Studies, 36(1), 131–146.