International context and diversity in schools

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Nolfa Ibáñez


This paper is part of a line of investigation which is still in progress, about the emerging language and the construction of the world in early childhood, the initial meanings, and the preliminary comparison between the interactional contexts of the classrooms which there attend the children of the group of study, who belong to two different cultures: middle class of Santiago City and mapuche rural culture of south of Chile. It provides a general overview of the research and relates some interpretations of the first entities that emerging in language in relational instances that bear a special significance for beginner’s education and some comparative aspects of the characteristics of interaction in the classroom. Our goal is enlarge our perspective and understanding of diversity and to contribute to the pedagogical work with diversity in education, especially in teacher’s formation.


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How to Cite
Ibáñez, N. (2018). International context and diversity in schools. Pedagogical Studies, 36(1), 275–286.