Importance attributed to the citizenship development in the initial teaching training

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Héctor Cárcamo Vásquez


The article deals with the first stage of a survey carried out in the Faculty of Education an Humanities, Universidad del Bío Bío, Chile. The study firstly intends to the find out about the concepts of citizenship that are used by the actors involved in the Pedagogy Programs and the Nursery School Teaching course, and then to recognize the importance given by academics and students to the citizenship development in the initial teaching training. The preliminary results are presented, verifying first that the actors give, at least nominally, a great importance to the process of citizenship development in the initial teaching training; secondly, it is accepted that the current theory philosophy perspective corresponds to the political citizenship.


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How to Cite
Cárcamo Vásquez, H. (2018). Importance attributed to the citizenship development in the initial teaching training. Pedagogical Studies, 34(2), 29–43.