Crisis and temporality on the inicial teacher's formation

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Orietta Geeregat Vera
Olga Angélica Vásquez Palma


This article reports on an analytic-reflexive process about the educational phenomenon, by means of construction and deconstruction of cultural instructional capital together with an assessment of its capacity for transferring the most significant symbolic content from within the occidental cultural paradigm. A reading of initial teacher's formation is made around historical context of several propositions and the imaginaries they develop among involved communities. It reveáis the construction of the paradigm's historical memory inside normal school and relates the discourse constructed around it with present educational challen-ges.


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How to Cite
Geeregat Vera, O., & Vásquez Palma, O. A. (2018). Crisis and temporality on the inicial teacher’s formation. Pedagogical Studies, 34(2), 87–98.