Communication in school living in the city of Medellín

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Jakeline Duarte D.


The communicative processes are constituent elements of school life and must be the subjet of reflection for education staff, in order to create appropriate environments for students' integral education processes as well as the construction of a more civilized society. This article presents partial results of a research project on school life carried out in Medellín, Colombia, especially those focused on communication as one of the categories that make up and contribute to the explanation of this issue. From an instrumental to the most complex point of view related with great cultural density communication stands out as a determinant factor of pedagogical processes and school life in a city like Medellín, which is trying to reach agreement and negotiation environments.

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How to Cite
Duarte D., J. (2018). Communication in school living in the city of Medellín. Pedagogical Studies, 31(1), 137–166.