Keys of Compround to redefine the model of evaluation of the quality of teaching at University of Concepción

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Ignacio González López
Ana López Cámara
Oscar Nail Kroyer


This article shows the contributions of the Compround model, which collects the results of an investigation conducted in Spain, whose purpose was to generate the figure of the good university teaching and, its connection with the system of evaluation of teaching staff and the subsequent definition of the teaching profile of University of Concepcion. Based on an analysis of the information of the evaluation process, collected by this Chilean institution, and on the theoretical and practical bases that the Compround model involves, a number of proposals, aiming for better situations in the classroom and facilitating academic success and professional success in students, are presented.

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How to Cite
González López, I., López Cámara, A., & Nail Kroyer, O. (2018). Keys of Compround to redefine the model of evaluation of the quality of teaching at University of Concepción. Pedagogical Studies, 42(4), 69–85.