Towards the integration of disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge: developing pedagogical content knowledge in the training of pre-service chemistry teachers

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Ainoa Marzábal
Patricia Moreira
Virginia Delgado
Jeanette Moreno
Raúl Contreras


As a strategy to promote the articulation between disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge in the training of pre-service chemistry teachers, we propose the notion of pedagogical content knowledge as an integrative model based on the pedagogical reflection of the disciplinary content. In order to design courses that create and develop pedagogical content knowledge in the training of specialist teachers, it was necessary to agree on a vision of what kind of knowledge this is and how it can be promoted, as well as, to identify the main chemical knowledge for teaching in secondary education, to propose a development sequence for initial training, and to implement specific strategies to elicit this professional knowledge. This paper presents the results of the discussions that have been developed as a team, an example of the proposed activities and the productions of our teachers in training.

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How to Cite
Marzábal, A., Moreira, P., Delgado, V., Moreno, J., & Contreras, R. (2018). Towards the integration of disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge: developing pedagogical content knowledge in the training of pre-service chemistry teachers. Pedagogical Studies, 42(4), 243–260.