A case study on previous knowledge in three Ecuadorian universities: UC, UDA and UNAE

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José Manuel Castellano Gil
Efstathios Stefos
Mariana Sánchez
Kamila Torres Orellana
Danilo Isaac Reiban Garnica


This study approximates the previous and evolutionary state of knowledge of three groups of university students attached to the University of Cuenca, the University of Azuay, and the National University of Education of Ecuador. The central focus of this work is to explore the starting point of the cognitive support of students in essential aspects of the subject at the beginning of the semester, and its verification at the end of the semester. In order to reach the objectives outlined, an instrument was elaborated in four content modules, oriented from a triple analytical perspective: a) to identify the initial characteristic of the group and individual; b) to detect and study the possible changes undergone by the students after the end of the semester; and c) to evaluate the teacher’s impact and exercise a process of reflection and self-criticism of the role played. The results obtained in this research show the existence of significant changes in the learning of knowledge and in conceptual assimilation.

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How to Cite
Castellano Gil, J. M., Stefos, E., Sánchez, M., Torres Orellana, K., & Reiban Garnica, D. I. (2018). A case study on previous knowledge in three Ecuadorian universities: UC, UDA and UNAE. Pedagogical Studies, 44(1), 377–402. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052018000100377