A feminist didactics proposal for the visual arts in school education: Thinking school contexts diversely

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Catalina Montenegro González


This article suggests possibilities that emerge when considering schools contexts underlying the principles of feminist pedagogies. Taking these principles into account, they can be linked to the students’ daily knowledge and personal experiences in order to generate meaningful learning. A feminist didactics proposal for the visual arts in school education entails three principles: self, experience, context and visual culture. Accordingly, knowledge is constructed around our own background in and out school contexts; and connected to visual arts learning and the world of images.

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How to Cite
Montenegro González, C. (2019). A feminist didactics proposal for the visual arts in school education: Thinking school contexts diversely. Pedagogical Studies, 44(3), 289–302. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052018000300289