“Other” educative space and ecological knowledge: Exchange and collaborative consumption trade fairs in Chile

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Constanza Yáñez-Duamante
Iván Oliva-Figueroa
Gabriela Catalán-Verdugo
Alberto Moreno-Doña


The ambition set up as the unchanging present of the economic model, imposes regulations that privatize life and knowledge. However, as part of the tangible and intangible heritage of the peoples remains the decolonial resistance clashing against the interests of the capital. Thereupon, our interest in the barter as a sociopolitical practice which re-signifies the self-existence and the reciprocal social relationships.
This article discusses the theory <-> practice of bartering as an “other” educative space, unveiling new ways of interpreting reality and transforming educational experiences, cleavingsocial structures based on ancestral cosmo-existences; as it is the case of “AntofaTrueke” in Antofagasta city, to the North of the country, and the “Valdivian Barter Network,” to the South of the country, which was created under the wing of a student and environmental civic movement.

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How to Cite
Yáñez-Duamante, C., Oliva-Figueroa, I., Catalán-Verdugo, G., & Moreno-Doña, A. (2019). “Other” educative space and ecological knowledge: Exchange and collaborative consumption trade fairs in Chile. Pedagogical Studies, 45(1), 123–135. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052019000100123