Intercultural teaching competences. Multiculturalism and consequences for immigration

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Jorge Alarcón Leiva
José Juan Márquez Sánchez


The implementation of the educational reform in the mexican upper secondary level has brought about changes in the curriculum and in the training of teachers. The purpose of the work is to examine the characteristics of the teaching competencies of the professionals of intercultural education of the integral community baccalaureates of the State of Oaxaca; this with the purpose of articulating and breaking down a profile of competences of such teachers.

The research methodology was based on the documentary review, referring to the teaching competences in intercultural contexts. The results obtained allowed the identification of intercultural competences for the definition of a profile oriented to the formation of teachers of the Integral Community Baccalaureate.

The conclusions of this study reveal the importance of the development of intercultural competences in teachers, essential to adequately perform their professional role.

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How to Cite
Alarcón Leiva, J., & Márquez Sánchez, J. J. (2019). Intercultural teaching competences. Multiculturalism and consequences for immigration. Pedagogical Studies, 45(2), 7–27.