Understanding the encounter between meanings of Critical Service -Learning in comparative contexts

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Ana Zarzuela
Mayka García


This work compares the Argentine and Spanish experience in the articulation of critical Service-Learning. The research has been developed to understand the meanings attributed to these practices in one place and another, putting words to the shared way by practitioners and investigators of Service-Learning in both contexts from a politicized orientation of these types of proposal. Consequently, through a qualitative, interpretive and ethnographic methodology, a first approximation is made to the construction of a shared history, through a documentary analysis. In the second moment, interviews and discussions groups are used to make the voices of participants emerge; common points in the development of this type of proposal are identified. Finally, we present the keys to a mutual enrichment process that makes that today Service-Learning a proposal not only very effective, but also in expansion.

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How to Cite
Zarzuela, A., & García, M. (2020). Understanding the encounter between meanings of Critical Service -Learning in comparative contexts. Pedagogical Studies, 46(1), 57–77. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052020000100057