Formative research as a pedagogical strategy: industrial engineering case study of the I.U Pascual Bravo
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The generation of a research culture and the integral formation of its professionals is a constant problem for the country's higher education institutions; the separation between academia and society isolates universities from the context in which they interact, which is reflected in inflexible, non-relevant curricula and transmissionist teaching models that appeal to memory and the accumulation of data. Formative research emerges as a way to improve academic processes, aligning teaching and research, to foster the acquisition of research competencies, the generation of a research culture, and meaningful learning. This article presents the characterization of the formative research process in the industrial engineering program of the I.U Pascual Bravo, by means of a methodology with descriptive scope and mixed approach, divided in three phases; as a result an improvement in the formation and research processes of said program is expected.