Director's leadership style and school climate in an educational establishment by implementing an external intervention program: Instrument validation

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Rafael Arancibia Rojas
Eugenio Chandía Muñoz


The present article describes a study carried out in two stages. The first corresponds to a bibliographic review to identify the internal conditions of the educational establishments that affect the implementation and sustainability of the improvement processes proposed by a specialized advisory program for education. The second stage considers the construction and validation of an instrument that allows this information to be collected. It is a quantitative study that includes a modification of the data capacity that allows reducing the number of variables that describe a concept. The results provide variables that allow describing the director's leadership style and school climate in an educational establishment by implementing an external intervention program.

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How to Cite
Arancibia Rojas, R., & Chandía Muñoz, E. (2020). Director’s leadership style and school climate in an educational establishment by implementing an external intervention program: Instrument validation. Pedagogical Studies, 46(2), 25–38.