Traits and trends of Teaching with ICT: challenges from the new ecology of learning

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Isabel Jiménez Becerra


The article presents the features, trends and challenges that teachers are facing in their teaching practices of the 21st century from the new existing learning niches. This has led to raise emerging didactics that are strengthened thanks to the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), their role being a possible scaffolding. The challenges posed in the project of research Innovative Didactics mediated by ICT have been implemented in fifty-six Colombian educational institutions where it was sought to identify existing forms of teaching, as well as resize the role of didactics from various research implemented by more than seventy teachers. The research designs implemented in these projects are classified into those of basic cut (Action Research and Case Study) as well as applied (evaluation models such as CIPP and Guskey). The main results compiled from the three challenges that characterize the project are presented: the redimensión of the teaching strategies, the conceptions of the curriculum and the teachers' thinking on the use of ICT.

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How to Cite
Jiménez Becerra, I. (2020). Traits and trends of Teaching with ICT: challenges from the new ecology of learning. Pedagogical Studies, 46(2), 215–229.