End of shared financing and the School Admission System: mourning of strata

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Manuel Canales
Fabián Guajardo
Víctor Orellana
Cristián Bellei
Mariana Contreras


The educational reform generated a broad public debate for its attempt to change the market character of education, through the elimination of mechanisms for student selection and shared funding, and the creation of a new School Admission System. The following paper, based on a qualitative study, analyzes the changes occurred in the discourses of the participants of the new system. The results allow to identify that the change in the logics of admission brings together two previously separate social groups: those who chose private subsidized schools, with co-payments, and those who enrolled their children in municipal schools. The mixture disorganized a scheme of social and educational classification, revealed as sociologically dense. In this sense, the social conversation about the SAE and its consequences is organized in a polyphony discursive, regarding the matter of justice in the allocation of school vacancies.

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How to Cite
Canales, M., Guajardo, F., Orellana, V., Bellei, C., & Contreras, M. (2020). End of shared financing and the School Admission System: mourning of strata. Pedagogical Studies, 46(2), 299–319. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052020000200299