Training citizenship for girls and boys. Feminist perspective in the Citizen Formation Plans (PFC) of Chilean schools

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Paula Subiabre Vergara


Law 20911, which required the preparation of Citizen Training Plans, has allowed progress in incorporating citizenship into the school experience, but it has been built only from the citizen. The objective of this research is to analyze the PFCs prepared by twenty Chilean schools from a feminist perspective. First, the citizenship model is analyzed from a feminist level, which allows us to conclude that the PFCs have been elaborated from the citizen's perspective, and the contributions of feminism have not been included. Secondly, how the gender perspective is incorporated is analyzed, identifying methodologies used that are participatory and not cooperative, and subjects of discussion that will allow incorporating the gender perspective have little presence. Lastly, guidelines are presented to develop citizen training with a feminist perspective, to become an alternative to the way citizenship is being educated.

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How to Cite
Subiabre Vergara, P. (2021). Training citizenship for girls and boys. Feminist perspective in the Citizen Formation Plans (PFC) of Chilean schools. Pedagogical Studies, 47(3), 99–123.