Training-employment match: students propose

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Pilar Martínez Clares
Natalia González Morga


The debate on the training-employment pairing intensifies in the current educational and economic policies of the European Union. For this reason, this work assesses the adequacy of university training to work requirements, as well as its application in curricular practices. 1137 students participate in the research through an ad hoc designed questionnaire with optimum reliability and validity. The results indicate 28% of students who perceive the training to be fairly or very adequate with significant differences between areas of knowledge, while 42.2% perceive the application of such training in curricular practices to be very high. These results are in agreement with other studies of Spanish graduates such as the one by Michavila et al. (2016). Participants propose a wide variety of proposals aimed at improving these results and mark lines of change in university education towards their adjustment with professional requirements.

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How to Cite
Martínez Clares, P., & González Morga, N. (2021). Training-employment match: students propose. Pedagogical Studies, 47(3), 251–271.