Systematization of coeducation experiences in alternative basic education in Colombia

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Gicela Muñoz Gañan
Dayan López Bravo
Ángela María Rincón Presiga


Coeducation is a learning tool in the educational field and it is in an initial stage of implementation in Colombia. The objective of this article is to systematize the pedagogical experiences of gender approach management in alternative education as a transversal element in education. The qualitative methodology of socio-critical type has proposed based on the design of analysis categories and information from primary sources such as open interviews, observation recorded in photographs, and field diaries. Besides, a conceptual basis that allows an academic location to understand the reflections on this subject. Subsequently, it is shown how the observed educational institutions are evidenced as alternative education and their understanding of gender equity in their daily work is revealed. Finally, the relation that some teachers make between gender equity and the exercise of sexuality or sexual diversity of their students generates conclusive reflections.

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How to Cite
Muñoz Gañan, G., López Bravo, D., & Rincón Presiga, Ángela M. (2022). Systematization of coeducation experiences in alternative basic education in Colombia. Pedagogical Studies, 48(3), 41–63.