Processes of teacher improvement at Universidad de Tarapacá and its relationship with performance indicators

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Jesús Gabalán-Coello
Margarita Liliana Hernández-Villaseca
Raúl Antonio Bustos-González
Fredy Eduardo Vásquez-Rizo


This paper presents an analysis of the teacher qualification strategy implemented in recent years by Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile, based on its relationship with some performance indicators associated with the teaching-learning process. For this, the quantitative approach is used with the intention of demonstrating the associations between this qualification and the characteristics of teaching category, level of training, failure of courses, desertion, final grades and evaluations in opinion questionnaires of the teacher’s work. In addition to this, the qualitative approach is used to deepen the findings found quantitatively through focal groups and interviews. All this with the intention of approaching this analysis in a systemic way, allowing highlighting the importance of teacher improvement as a mechanism to contribute to institutional quality.

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How to Cite
Gabalán-Coello, J., Hernández-Villaseca, M. L., Bustos-González, R. A., & Vásquez-Rizo, F. E. (2022). Processes of teacher improvement at Universidad de Tarapacá and its relationship with performance indicators. Pedagogical Studies, 48(3), 65–78.