Short version of Raven progressive matrices scale for gifted population: An Item Response Theory approach

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Carlos Calderón Carvajal
Diego Palominos-Urquieta
Mauricio Briceño
Jorge Rojas
Kevin Peña
Diego Henríquez


Raven’s General Progressive Matrices scale is a test used in the admission processes of academic talent programs in Chile. The present study aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Raven scale in a large sample of students using the Item Response Theory (IRT). The test was administered to 935 students participating in the admission process to an academic talent program. The results show that the full scale does not fit a one-dimensional model. Separate analyzes show that only the D and E scales show adequate fit. The analysis of both subscales shows a proper fit to the two-parameter IRT model and it doesn´t show differential functioning by gender. The implications of the presence of two factors are discussed and its use is proposed as a reduced version to the admission process of academic talent programs.

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How to Cite
Calderón Carvajal, C., Palominos-Urquieta, D., Briceño, M., Rojas, J., Peña, K., & Henríquez, D. (2022). Short version of Raven progressive matrices scale for gifted population: An Item Response Theory approach. Pedagogical Studies, 48(3), 205–226.