Descriptive analysis of students motivation in Colombian Chilean academic exchange, for Learning of flowcharts in process analysis

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Dunia Geosimir Duque Araque
Lloyd Herbert Morris Molina


This quantitative, descriptive, and non-experimental study proposes that academic exchange processes may or may not favor the motivation of students to learn flowcharts in process analysis. Based on the expectation value theory (Eccles and Wigfield), focused on 3 components: achievement, intrinsic value and utility, instruments suggested by Virguez (2018) were applied to students of the methods engineering subject of the University’s industrial engineering program. Tecnological of Pereira (UTP). Who, through an academic exchange between the person in charge of the subject, and another academic from the Austral University of Chile, participated in a significant experience, developed in two moments. It includes descriptive analysis, category triangulation and a reflection based on open inquiries. The findings positively prove that academic exchange processes can favor the motivation of student learning, up to 86.67% of the items analyzed.

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How to Cite
Duque Araque, D. G., & Morris Molina, L. H. (2023). Descriptive analysis of students motivation in Colombian Chilean academic exchange, for Learning of flowcharts in process analysis. Pedagogical Studies, 49(1), 49–67.