Schooling illusions within uniformity contexts

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Carlos Calvo


We are diversity but with a tendency to uniformity, just like the school, when schooling the teaching and learning educational process it profoundly inhibits the formation of complex and holistic processes where cognitive, emotional, affective and axiological aspects are complemented, since it cloisters them in time and spaces constrained and decontextualized of their territoriality and historicity. The homogenising tendency is the expression of a paradigmatic cosmovision which organizes, promotes and justifies a linear conception of the processes, but conversely it denies, hides and hinders the recognition of the learning and teaching propensity and its potential richness. This latter flows from curiosity to inquiry simplifying the complexity of these processes, which the school makes superficial and turns more complex favouring the emerging of pedagogical difficulties. We must asume the unschooling of such processes so that they end up being a mysterious challenge for both, those who educate and those who learn.

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How to Cite
Calvo, C. (2023). Schooling illusions within uniformity contexts. Pedagogical Studies, 49(Especial), 351–360.