Quality in Education and School Environment: General Notes

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Juan S. Claro T.


It is necessary to define what is understood by quality in education to orientate the improvements in the educational system. In this article, it is proposed as the foundation to comprehend such quality a phenomenon is called: school climate. This phenomenon reveals some variables of the processes that influence significantly on the learning process of children. To sustain what is raised, it is first described a conception of the human being. Then, the concept of school climate is elaborated, considering what is found in the literature and including some useful distinctions to give better account of what happens in the school communities. The comprehension of the processes related to the education is completed bearing in mind two areas other than climate: the pedagogic-curricular and the administrative area. It is projected as a challenge to develop understandings about the quality in education where these three areas are integrated.


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How to Cite
Claro T., J. S. (2018). Quality in Education and School Environment: General Notes. Pedagogical Studies, 39(1), 347–359. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052013000100020