Needs of Formation and Update of Technical Teachers

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Marcelo Arancibia Herrera
Christian Miranda Jaña
Héctor Pérez San Martín
Tomás Koch Ewertz


The present article realizes of the report of a study which intention was to have a set of quali-tative and quantitative information about needs of initial and permanent formation of Technical Teachers to regional and national level.

Methodologically it is chosen for a study of descriptive character, which uses quantitative procedures. To a representative sample of teachers of the country (n = 384), the Test "Questionnaire for Education Technical Professional Teachers", was applied to the sample.

The results obtained in the study demónstrate that: a) the Technical Teachers demand more permanent training in the dimensión speciality, then in the pedagogic one and in minor mea-surement in the transversal dimensión; b) the topic more selected was the establishment of formative links with the productive system.

Such results are discussed and there is ori-entated to the necessary capture of decisions respect of the political ones of formation and curriculum developments that they allow to articúlate, in an effective way, the dimensions discipline, pedagogic and professional in the educational careen.

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How to Cite
Arancibia Herrera, M., Miranda Jaña, C., Pérez San Martín, H., & Koch Ewertz, T. (2018). Needs of Formation and Update of Technical Teachers. Pedagogical Studies, 34(1), 7–26.