Involvement and expectations of parents regarding the education of their children in a public school

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Alejandro Sánchez Oñate
Fernando Reyes Reyes
Verónica Villarroel Henríquez


This study investigated the relationship between parents involvement and expectations on school education of their children, in the context of a public school in southern Chile. Educational research shows that these variables are key in the process of educating children, there is evidence of a direct relationship with the learning outcomes. A sequential-explanatory mixed design was used. In a first quantitative phase, analysis of multiple linear regression was performed, yielding a predictive model of academic performance that brings together the socioeconomic variables, participation and educational expectations. In the second phase of qualitative type, the results allow different dynamics involved conditions, highlighting the socioeconomic barriers as mediators expectations and parental involvement; allowing broader discussion about the role of institutions in promoting the participation of parents in school education.

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How to Cite
Sánchez Oñate, A., Reyes Reyes, F., & Villarroel Henríquez, V. (2018). Involvement and expectations of parents regarding the education of their children in a public school. Pedagogical Studies, 42(3), 347–367.