Economic globalization, postmodernism, and educational system: Contradictions and alternatives from a critical physical education perspective

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Bastian Carter-Thuillier
Alberto Moreno Doña


Economic globalization is built ideologically from neoliberalism, crossing all social reality; this includes the education system that currently faces various contradictions in axiological, social, political, and cultural terms. This tension has a possible explanation in the anachronism of system, which promotes practical and modern values in the postmodern age. This article aims to analyze the relationship between education system and economic globalization in the particular conditions of postmodernism, trying to understand from a critical approach the implications for the physical education field based on analysis and reflection of theoretical background associated with the topic. The manuscript is organized into three sections. First, the problematization is presented; second the relationship between economic globalization, postmodernity and education is analyzed and described; in the final section critical proposals from physical education and sport are presented.

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How to Cite
Carter-Thuillier, B., & Moreno Doña, A. (2018). Economic globalization, postmodernism, and educational system: Contradictions and alternatives from a critical physical education perspective. Pedagogical Studies, 43(3), 103–117.