The problems of stock in fuzzy professional fields: Educational offer in Social Work Programs

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Víctor Castillo Riquelme
Carlos Rodríguez Garcés


The deregulation of the offer of training programs in Chile has affected all areas of the disciplinary knowledge and technical training. These effects have been particularly visible in the case of Social Work, a discipline that given its weaknesses regarding identity is presented as more vulnerable to the variables of the job and educational market. This article –through a review of the historical foundations of the National Board for Education (Consejo Nacional de Educación-CNED) –analyzes the main problems evidenced by the educational offer of the profession, such as the imminent disciplinary modernization, saturation and labor multi-competition, as well as the weaknesses related to safety of the professional status by means of university exclusivity that, since 2005, holds the degree of Social Work.

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How to Cite
Castillo Riquelme, V., & Rodríguez Garcés, C. (2018). The problems of stock in fuzzy professional fields: Educational offer in Social Work Programs. Pedagogical Studies, 42(1), 37–52.