The assessment in physical education through the “Game Perfomance Assessment Instrument” (GPAI)

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Javier Aguilar Sánchez
Ignacio Martín Tamayo
Luis Javier Chirosa Ríos


The use of assessment tools for sports performance which contributes to improve the process of teaching is not formalized. The aims of this article were: to obtain an updated view of the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) and, to analyze its use in scientific literature to establish new routes for investigation. The databases used were WEB OF SCIENCE, SPORTDISCUS, SCOPUS and PROQUEST, gathering articles from January of 1998 to May of 2015. From the initial sample of 582 studies, 34 were analyzed after applying the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. In 15, the GPAI has served to demonstrate the progress of the subjects in different sports after periods of teaching- learning. It has been used mainly in the education field and with invasion sports. In conclusion, due to the benefits that its presents, its use should be further extended to solve the problem that assessment represents to many teachers.

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How to Cite
Aguilar Sánchez, J., Martín Tamayo, I., & Chirosa Ríos, L. J. (2018). The assessment in physical education through the “Game Perfomance Assessment Instrument” (GPAI). Pedagogical Studies, 42(2), 7–19.