Analysis of some socio-cultural factors in teaching a foreign language

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Pamela Tejeda Cerda
Angela Niebles Gutiérrez


This document is an updated version of the article “Analysis of some socio-cultural factors in teaching a foreign language” written by the teacher Omar Silva in the first edition of the Journal Estudios Pedagógicos from Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades of Universidad Austral de Chile in 1976. The approach chosen is a socio-critical perspective which presents, on the one hand, a retrospective of the original proposals and, on the other, a located analysis which allows general considerations related to the educational phenomena and the specific didactics of learning a foreign language.

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How to Cite
Tejeda Cerda, P., & Niebles Gutiérrez, A. (2018). Analysis of some socio-cultural factors in teaching a foreign language. Pedagogical Studies, 42(Especial), 31–39.