Teaching in the digital era. A socio-pedagogical study in public high schools located in contexts of urban poverty

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Julieta Armella


This work is part of a doctoral research developed between 2009 and 2014 which focused on the characterization of school life from the increasing social diffusion of information and communication technology under specific coordinates involving public high schools located in contexts of urban poverty. Our intention here is to analyze school life and teacher’s practice in a context marked not only by the presence of digital technologies but also a set of discourses that designate school as untimely.

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How to Cite
Armella, J. (2018). Teaching in the digital era. A socio-pedagogical study in public high schools located in contexts of urban poverty. Pedagogical Studies, 42(3), 49–67. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052016000400003