School career and Ranking: valuations and institutional strategies in the new scenario of university selection

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Carlos Rodríguez Garcés
Geraldo Padilla Fuentes


In Chile, the access to selective university education is developed according to the average score obtained by applicants at school plus the score obtained in the PSU test. In 2013 the incorporation of the School Grades Ranking generated a reframing in the weighting of selection factors, redefining institutional position towards it. Based on official data and adhoc statistical procedures, the behavior of 1423 undergraduate programs offered by the 33 universities which are part of the 2014 Admission System is described. It is possible to observe that PSU test loses its main position when compared to school’s result as the weighting factor, directly affecting the Ranking. This is the predominant trend but with a non-hegemonic behavior. Institutional position framed upon the school performance proves different strategies to attract applicants from an approach which encourages inclusion and the defense of institutional interests.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Garcés, C., & Padilla Fuentes, G. (2018). School career and Ranking: valuations and institutional strategies in the new scenario of university selection. Pedagogical Studies, 42(3), 313–326.
Author Biography

Carlos Rodríguez Garcés, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Bío-Bío.

Director del Centro de Investigación CIDCIE.