Emotional field study in the classroom and simulation of its evolution during the process of teaching and learning for science courses

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Patricio Pacheco H.
Sidney Villagrán R.
Carolina Guzmán A.


Experience and observation identified segmentation in students when entering professions that contain, in their curriculum, science subjects, as well as a high and/or low commitment to the challenges undertaken in each profession. The challenge is faced, institutionally, through learning methodologies based on the convergence of customary pedagogical elements and technologies of the educational field, both evaluated under a prism of traditional teaching quality and control instruments which result suitable and functional and which relegate the multidimensionality of people surpassing the homogeneous linear response of the education system (“more learning, more resources”). This is the basis of this work, which proposes a proof of concept based on a model that validates the interrelated dimensionalities defined for learning and the influence of emotions, causing connectivity as key to the significance and the quality of the process.

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How to Cite
Pacheco H., P., Villagrán R., S., & Guzmán A., C. (2018). Emotional field study in the classroom and simulation of its evolution during the process of teaching and learning for science courses. Pedagogical Studies, 41(1), 199–217. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052015000100012