Volunteer service learning in initial teacher training

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Guillermo Williamson
Francisco Espinoza
Solange Ferreira
Eduardo Abello


The article refers to service-learning of teaching program students in different educational communities, understanding this practical approach as an alternative and/or complement that supports their Initial Teacher Education. It is based on the systematization and brief exploratory research on the work performed by a group of teaching program students from Universidad de La Frontera in two different educational communities: “Hogar Wechekeche Inatu Kimun”, located in Temuco, and, “Complejo Educacional Maquehue”, located in Padre Las Casas. Thus, it develops an alternative methodology to the initial training for future teachers in real educational projects.

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How to Cite
Williamson, G., Espinoza, F., Ferreira, S., & Abello, E. (2018). Volunteer service learning in initial teacher training. Pedagogical Studies, 41(2), 271–286. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052015000200016