History of an artistic pedagogic practice in Physical Education: Expressions of body potential

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Karen Lorena Gil Eusse
William Moreno Gómez
Alexandre Fernandez Vaz


This paper shows the results of a biographic and narrative research in a Kindergarten in Florianópolis, Brazil. The experience of a teacher is taken as a means to portray a pedagogic artistic practice. The research has two analytic axes: body potential and environment potential. This paper dedicates special attention to the first one, which offers the chance to think about changes in Physical Education. Its components are reflection, critic, openness and interaction.

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How to Cite
Gil Eusse, K. L., Moreno Gómez, W., & Fernandez Vaz, A. (2018). History of an artistic pedagogic practice in Physical Education: Expressions of body potential. Pedagogical Studies, 41(Especial), 67–79. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-07052015000300005