Listening to children: Meanings about learning and participation as central concepts of inclusive education processes of a study in public schools in Chile

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Natalia Silva
Natalia Albornoz
Mauricio López


In developing policies that seek to address the diversity of students in Chile has dominated a response based on the identification of specific groups, and the implementation of strategies to compensate for the alleged individual deficits, paying little or no attention to the rights of children to participate in matters that affect them. Starting from this premise, the present study investigated, through visual narrative techniques, the meanings constructed by the students themselves about their school experiences of learning and participation, in the context of schools which are developing projects of integration. The results suggest that these meanings emphasize the interpersonal relationship with teachers and fellow students, a learning climate based on cooperation, play and participation as well as the importance of respect, fair treatment and non-violence. These findings have relevant implications to the orientation of current policies on inclusive education.

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How to Cite
Silva, N., Albornoz, N., & López, M. (2018). Listening to children: Meanings about learning and participation as central concepts of inclusive education processes of a study in public schools in Chile. Pedagogical Studies, 41(Especial), 81–96.
Author Biography

Natalia Albornoz

Universidad de Chile, Estudiante del Magíster en Psicología Educacional, Santiago, Chile.